Trusted by over 1,00,000 users from worldwide.

We’re one of the largest website hosting providers and power thousands of websites. Host static & dynamic websites in a few clicks. We have all you need for online success: Shared Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server, Domains, Website Builder, Email, SSL Certificate, Managed WordPress® to Email Marketing, and more.

We’re one of the largest website hosting providers and power thousands of websites. Host static & dynamic websites in a few clicks. We have all you need for online success: Shared Hosting, VPS, Dedicated Server, Domains, Website Builder, Email, SSL Certificate, Managed WordPress® to Email Marketing, and more.

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What We’ve Done

These humble brag numbers prove what can be done by pulling together and working hard.


More than hundreds of employees.


We empower 100K+ everyday entrepreneurs.


Our users trust us with their thousands of domain names.

For any of our products help, give us a call 24/7 at +1 (480) 624-2500